20 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Daycare

20 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Daycare

Picking out a daycare is an important task for a new parent (or any parent switching daycares). Make the most of your daycare tour with these key questions to ask when choosing a daycare. Some daycares may even offer a parent handbook that might answer some of these...
A Note on Working from Home

A Note on Working from Home

Since I’ve become a permanent work-from-home employee, I’ve had several conversations with people about working from home that led to me writing this note. What I’ve come across is that people think it’s either really great or really horrible or they think “it must be...
How to Create a Budget You Can Stick With

How to Create a Budget You Can Stick With

Perhaps you’ve tried creating a budget before. It can become tricky and overwhelming very quickly. Creating a realistic budget you can stick with is even trickier. Keep on reading to learn how to create a budget. My History With Budgeting For some reason, budgeting...